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Bienvenidos / Welcome

Mi nombre es Guillermo y me desempeño como profesor de inglés en escuelas estatales en la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Mediante este blog, los alumnos podrán trabajar desde sus casas y practicar las actividades que generalmente se realizan en clase para mantener la continuidad pedagógica de los aprendizajes.

My name is Guillermo and I enjoy working as a teacher of English in public schools in the province of Buenos Aires, in Argentina.

This blog was created for pedagogical purposes, as a follow-up opportunity for any student willing to catch up with our lessons or to practise vocabulary besides our school sessions. Hope you enjoy it!!!

Guía de actividades

Resolver las siguientes actividades en sus carpetas o crear un documento de word y enviarlo al siguiente correo electónico:

Activity #1

* Watch the video then answer these questions
(Miren el video y luego respondan las siguientes preguntas)

1) Where is Mary from?
2) Is she Russian?
3) Is Henry Chinese?

* What about you?

1) What is your name?
2) where are you from?

The students in my English class

Activity # 2: "Introducing my family"

* Watch the video "Introducing my family"
(Miren el video "Presentando a mi familia")

1- True or False
(verdadero o falso)

A) Martin and Brian are brothers
B) Sylvia is a mathematics teacher
C) They are the Lopez family
D) Sylvia is Martin’s mother
E) Victor is a doctor
F) Ernie is a dog
G) Tabatha is a dog too
H) Victor is Martin’s father

2- Complete the dialogue
(Completen el dialogo con las palabras que faltan)

Martin : Hi! my name is ............. and
this is my................. Brian
Brian: Hi!
Martin: And this is my.......... Sylvia.
She’s a ..........., a Biology.............
Sylvia: Hello!
Martin: And this is my .............. , Victor.
He’s an engineer, a .............. engineer.
Victor: Pleased to meet you.
Martin: Well, we are the Bennet............,
father, mother and ......... wonderful sons!
Martin: Ah yes!, and that is my........, Ernie
Oh and that’s my.......... , Tabatha.
They are our pets. They are part of the
............. too
Martin: Come here, Ernie. Come here Tabatha
Meet our friends.

3- Act it out with you partners!!
(¡Preparense para actuarlo con sus compañeros!)

Video: "Introducing my family"

Activity # 3: "Family album"

Watch the video and correct these sentences.

Miren el video y corrijan estas oraciones.

1) Martin´s grandmother is a teacher.

2) Edward and Peter are Martin´s uncles.

3) Brad is a doctor.

4) Brad is Martin´s brother.

5) Martin has one aunt.

Video: "My family album"

Activity # 4 A project about volcanoes

* Watch the video and answer these questions.

(Miren el video y contesten las siguientes preguntas)

1) What is the active volcano in Iceland doing?

2) How many active volcanoes are there in the world?

3) Is there an active volcano in argentina?

4) Is there an active volcano in Chile?

* Use the internet and make a list of five active and five extinct volcanoes in the world. Write down their locations.

(Usen internet para hacer una lista de cinco volcanes activos y cinco extinctos. Escriban un lista mencionando sus ubicaciones).

Video about volcanoes


Watch the video and think about making a poster or a scale model showing a volcano from inside.

(Miren el video y piensen en armar un póster o una maqueta de un volcán por dentro).

Activity # 5: Simple Present (Routines)

Miren el video atentamente y relacionen las imágenes con el texto que aparece.
Escriban verdadero o falso (TRUE / FALSE)

A) He getS up at seven o'clock. ( )
B) He likeS watching TV. ( )
C) He goES to work at eight o'clock. ( )
D) He goES to bed at ten o'clock. ( )
E) He DOESN'T BRUSH his teeth. ( )
F) He HAS lunch at one o'clock. ( )
G) He readS the newspaper. ( )
H) He playS the piano. ( )

Video: "Every day"

Activity #6: In the park

Miren el video y respondan las siguientes preguntas:

A) Where is the Jones family?
B) What is the sun doing?
C) what are the birds doing?
D) What is Tommy Jones doing?
E) What is Mrs. Jones doing?
F) What is Mr. Jones doing?
G) What are Sally and Patty Jones doing?

Video: "In the park"

Activity # 7: Time for a song

“Angels” by Robbie Williams

Listen to the song and pay attention to the lyrics, put a tick (ü) next to the words that appear in the song and put a cross (x) next to the words that do not appear in the song.

(Escuchen la canción y presten atención a la letra, marquen con (ü) al lado de las palabras que aparecen en la canción y con una (x) al lado de las que no aparecen.)










Activity # 7: Time for a song: "Angels" by Robbie Williams

Activity # 8: Very different

Watch the video and And write TRUE or FALSE if the adjectives meet their opposites.

Miren el video y escriban VERDADERO ó FALSO si los adjetivos están unidos con sus opuestos:

TALL -------------------------------- SINGLE ( F ) (FALSE)

FAT ---------------------------------- SMALL ( )

LARGE------------------------------- SHORT ( )

MARRIED--------------------------- THIN ( )

Video: Very different

Activity # 9 "The three little pigs"

Watch the video and tick the words you hear from the list below. (Miren el video de los "Tres chanchitos" y marquen las palabras que escuchen de la lista que se encuentra abajo)

HOUSE_____ PLAY_____

CAT_____ WOLF_____

DOG_____ PIG_____

BLOW_____ TIME_____

"The three little pigs"

Activity # 10: Countries of South America

Watch the video and write sentences about the countries. Look at the example in A)

(Miren el video y escriban oraciones sobre los paises. Miren el ejemplo en el punto A)

A) The flag of Argentina is light-blue and white.
The capital city of Argentina is Buenos Aires.

Bolivia - Brazil - Chile - Colombia - Ecuador - Paraguay - Peru - Uruguay - Venezuela

Countries of South America

Activity # 11: "Coutries and nationalities"

Watch the video "Countries and nationalities" and write sentences about ten famous people from different countries. Use the example as a guide.

Miren el video "Countries and nationalities" y escriban oraciones sobre diez personas famosas de diferentes países. Usen el ejemplo como guía.

Example / ejemplo:

She is Susana Gimenez. ----------> Ella es Susana Gimenez.
She is from Argentina. -----------> Ella es de Argentina.
She is Argentinian. ---------------> Ella es argentina.

Video: "Countries and nationalities"

Activity # 12: What about you?

Watch the video and finish the sentences:
Miren el video y terminen las oraciones:

A) My name is .........
B) I live in.........
C) I have a cat and ......
D) I like......
E) My favourite food is.........
F) My favourite colour is........
G) My favourite football player is.........

Write a text about you using the sentences as a guide.
Escriban un texto sobre ustedes usando las oraciones como guía.

What about you?

Activity # 13: Do you like pizza?

Listen to the song and answer these questions using the phrases YES, I DO or NO, I DON´T

(Escuchen la canción y respondan estas preguntas)

A) Do you like pop corn?
B) Do you like pop corn pizza?
C) Do you like soup?
D) Do you like banana soup?
E) Do you like orange juice?
F) Do you like hamburger?
G) Do you like broccolli ice-cream ?

Video:" Do you like pizza?"

Activity # 14: "Monuments of the world"

1. Watch the video "Monuments of the world" and answer these questions:

(Miren el video "Monuments of the world" y respondan las siguientes preguntas)

A) How tall is the Big Ben? ¿Cuán alto es el Big Ben?
B) Who designed it? ¿Quién lo diseñó?
C) When was it built? ¿Cuándo fue construído?
D) Who designed The Eiffel Tower?
E) When was it built?
F) How tall is it?
G) Who designed The Obelisk of Buenos Aires?
H) When was it built?

2. Caculate their ages and write sentences

(Claculen las edades de los monumentos y escriban oraciones

The Eiffel Tower is 130 years old (La Torre Eiffel tiene 130 años).

The Big Ben is...........

The Obelisk of Buenos Aires is..........

Video: "Monuments of the world"

Activity # 15: "The most popular dishes in Latin America"

1. Watch the video "The most popular dishes in Latin America" and make sentences like in the example:

(Miren el video "The most popular dishes in Latin America" y hagan oraciones como en el ejemplo)

A) EmpanadaS ARE very popular in Argentina.

B) Ceviche IS very popular in Peru.

Video: "The most popular dishes in Latin America"